The California Supreme Court and the Legislature ushered in 2024 with two significant changes that may appear unrelated but that may impact California employers. We consider each in turn.


Continue Reading Implications of California Senate Bill 365 for Employers in Light of Estrada

In 1872, California bucked the common law and the views of many other states by declaring noncompete agreements unenforceable except in narrow and limited circumstances. The crackdown has continued ever

Continue Reading AB 1076 and Noncompete Agreements: California’s Crackdown Continues

“Hot Labor Summer” – so dubbed due to strikes by the Writers Guild, Screen Actors Guild, Southern California Hotel Workers, health care workers from multiple unions, and United Auto Workers

Continue Reading California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Staff to Unionize…in 2026

In New York state, both houses of the Legislature have passed S.3100A/A.1278-B, which would add a new section 191-d to the Labor Law prohibiting “non-compete agreements and certain restrictive covenants.”

Continue Reading NY Legislature Passes Legislation Banning Employer Use of Noncompete Agreements; NYC, FTC Actions Pending; NLRB General Counsel Memorandum