On March 18, new legislation was enacted in New York state to provide additional paid sick leave, as well as insurance benefits under paid family leave (“PFL”) and statutory disability (“DBL”) policies to employees subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine.
This legislation is limited to where there is a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation issued by the state of New York, the department of health, local board of health or any governmental entity duly authorized to issue such order due to COVID-19 (an “Order”). This legislation ensures that New York employees who are in receipt of such an Order will be able to receive a paycheck without having to charge their accrued sick leave. This legislation, however, does not extend additional benefits where the employee is deemed asymptomatic or has not yet been diagnosed with any medical condition and is physically able to work while under an Order, whether through remote access or other similar means.
Read the full GT Alert, New York Sick Leave, Disability, and Paid Family Leave Benefits for Employees Quarantined Due To COVID-19.