Please join GT Labor & Employment Practice Shareholders Jonathan Sulds and Justin Keith Thursday, Sept. 28 at 12 p.m. ET in for a webinar following the National Labor Relations Board’s

Continue Reading Sept. 28 WEBINAR | Historic NLRB Ruling Gives Workers Path to Unionize Without Having to Vote

As we’ve previously reported, on April 14, 2015, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) implemented new union election rules (Election Rules), which made significant changes to the Board’s
Continue Reading Get Ready for Even Quicker ‘Quickie’ Elections—NLRB Abandons Requirement for Signed Authorization Cards

shutterstock_110397776_smallAs we previously reported, on April 15, 2015, the National Labor Relations Board implemented new union election rules (Election Rules) that made sweeping changes to the Board’s proceedings for processing election petitions, holding hearings, and conducting secret-ballot elections. At the time the Election Rules took effect, legal challenges to the Election Rules were pending in the United States District Courts for the District of Columbia and the Western District of Texas.
Continue Reading Court Upholds NLRB’s ‘Quickie’ Election Rules