On March 26, 2019, in a 5-2 ruling, the Court of Appeals ruled in favor of providers in a critical decision affecting home health care. Andryeyeva v. N.Y. Health Care,
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minimum wage
Massachusetts to Phase-In Minimum Wage Hike, Eliminate Sunday Premium Pay, and Provide Paid Family and Medical Leave
On June 28, 2018, Massachusetts Governor Baker signed into law “An Act Relative to Minimum Wage, Paid Family Medical Leave, and the Sales Tax Holiday.” The new law will gradually…
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New York State Department of Labor Proposes Expansion to Call-In Regulations as New York City Council Weighs Passing Right to Flex-Time Law
This year, New York City and New York State advanced a series of legislative and regulatory proposals affecting New York’s businesses and their employees. Following four public hearings across the…
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D.C. Lawmakers Join California and New York Raising the Minimum Wage to $15
The District of Columbia Council recently passed a law to increase the minimum wage for employees to $15 by 2022. The District of Columbia joins other states in raising its…
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U.S. Department of Labor Issues Final Rule Boosting Minimum Salary for Overtime Exemptions
On May 18, 2016, President Obama and U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez announced the issuance of the Final Rule updating the salary requirements of the Fair Labor Standards…
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What the New Final White Collar FLSA Regulations Mean for California Employers
As it really is not in the GT California Labor and Employment Group’s interest for this to be the final straw that causes national employers to throw up their hands…
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Final Rule Change to FLSA Salary and Salary Basis Tests for Overtime Exemption
On May 18, 2016, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) unveiled new overtime regulations that represent the largest change in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in over two-decades. …
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2015 California Employment Law Legislative Update
At Greenberg Traurig, we live our motto “built for change” and apply it for the benefit of the businesses we serve. Our California Labor and Employment Practice appreciates that although…
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2013 California Employment Law Legislative Update: Things You Need to Know for 2014
The CA Minimum Wage Increase and the Resulting 12.9% Salary Increase for Many Exempt Employees
As you may have heard, effective July 1, 2014, the California minimum wage will increase from $8 to $9 per hour pursuant to AB 10. It will increase again to…
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