2024 has seen increased class and collective actions brought by New York golf club caddies under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the New York Labor Law (NYLL).

Continue Reading Fore! Claiming Employee Status, New York Golf Club Caddies File Class/Collective Actions

Proposition 22 continues its journey through the California courts. As background, in 2018 the California Supreme Court adopted a new test to determine whether a worker was an employee or

Continue Reading Court of Appeal Puts Rideshare Companies Back in the Driver’s Seat

Employers seeking to challenge California’s stringent independent contractor misclassification laws may have found an opening. On March 17, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that plaintiffs could proceed in

Continue Reading Ninth Circuit Revives Claim That A.B. 5 Violates Equal Protection Clause

On Oct. 11, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) issued a proposed rule that would change the definition of “independent contractor” for companies, a modification that could impact worker

Continue Reading Department of Labor Proposes to Reinstate Economic Realities Test for Independent Contractors Under FLSA

Please join Greenberg Traurig for a virtual discussion of recent developments regarding the definition of “independent contractor” and considerations for due diligence reviews and worker classification compliance. This webinar will
Continue Reading You Are Invited: Who or What Is an Independent Contractor? – May 25