You are invited to listen to Episode 15 of Greenberg Traurig’s Workplace Safety Review Podcast, “Greenberg Traurig Special Guest: Mark Catlin, Industrial Hygienist, MDC Consulting and Training.”
In this episode, Michael Taylor, chair of Greenberg Traurig’s Occupational Safety and Health Group, and Adam Roseman, also a member of the firm’s OSHA Group, interview Mark Catlin, Industrial Hygienist, MDC Consulting and Training. Catlin’s role involves Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Consulting. Catlin addresses his work with the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup; his work at SEIU assisting unions after workplace fatalities at industrial sites; the H1N1, Ebola, and COVID-19 pandemics; and how OSHA has changed over the last 40 years.
Workplace Safety Review is a podcast where Taylor and Roseman interview influential environmental, health, and safety professionals across the country regarding timely and important topics in the environmental, health, and safety world. The podcast is available on the YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and the Greenberg Traurig webpage.
Listen to previous episodes:
- Workplace Safety Review Podcast Episode 14: Special Guest-Mark Rothstein, University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law, School of Medicine Director
- Workplace Safety Review Podcast Episode 13: Special Guest- Marc Freedman, U.S. Chamber of Commerce VP of Employment Policy
- The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission: What the Regulated Community Needs to Know
- Diversity in the Environmental, Health & Safety Community – What Needs to Be Done?
- OSHA Enforcement: Its History & Its Future in Workplace Safety